Sustainability Strategy

The largest challenge currently facing society, but also companies, is the climate crisis. The Volkswagen Group – Porsche Holding Salzburg included – is committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.

Sustainability is a global responsibility that every company needs to take seriously. Forming an integral part of the corporate principles, the sustainability strategy is enshrined in our “evolve 2030” strategy.

Responsible and climate-conscious actions are at the center of our daily work - in all business areas and throughout the entire supply chain.

  • We treat our environment and our resources carefully.
  • We treat all people with dignity and respect and offer good working conditions.
  • We act with integrity and compliance.
  • We want to enable sustainable mobility for everyone and thereby consolidate our economic success.

Our sustainability strategy concentrates on seven focus fields in which we have identified the most leverage.

Our goals

The focus on sustainability, environmental protection and diversity is essential for the long-term corporate success of Porsche Holding Salzburg. To this end, we are focusing on three overarching goals by 2030. In particular, consistently reducing our carbon footprint is a top priority for Porsche Holding.

We are driving forward the achievement of these goals through seven focus fields. Each field includes the definition of further targets, KPIs and corresponding measures. Further information can be found in the Sustainability Report 2023.

Consistently on the path together

Responsible and sustainable business practices require the commitment of all employees at all locations. That is why Porsche Holding Salzburg places a special emphasis on communication and dialogue with its employees. This includes transparent information, awareness-raising activities and a clear commitment from the Management Board. In each of our 29 countries, there are sustainability coordinators and focus field managers who take into account the specific conditions at the locations and drive change.

As a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, our activities are also aligned with the Group strategy. The "regenerate+" strategy aims to have a positive impact on nature and society all around the world.


If you have any questions about the sustainability strategy and all activities related to sustainability at Porsche Holding Salzburg, please contact: [email protected]

Seven focus fields

Sustainability Report 2023

LET’S WIN THE RACE. That is our mission, and we want to achieve it with combined forces – with people, ideas, and opportunities. In the Sustainability Report 2023, we are focusing on the people who work for Porsche Holding Salzburg.


The urgency to drive the climate transition forward is more tangible than ever before. This requires speed, endurance and, above all, the efforts of each and every individual. We need people who embrace sustainable mobility concepts and people who make them possible. Thanks to our dedicated employees in 29 countries around the world, we were able to make progress in 2023 and set an important course on the way to a sustainable future for all.

You can find more information in the Sustainability Report 2023:

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© Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H, 2025

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5020 Salzburg / Austria

Tel. +43/662/4681-0

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© Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H, 2025

Louise-Piëch-Straße 2

5020 Salzburg / Austria

Tel. +43/662/4681-0

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© Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H, 2025